Emotion Maps

These emotion maps shared the same base map of the Edinburgh Gardens. I was able to compare each participant’s emotional point of view and perceptions of the park in specific zones within the park. The base map showed the entirety of the park, like a template, which opened the park up for participants to provide an emotional overview, not limiting the participant’s emotions to just one experience or memory of a designated area. Using Nvivo, I used the data to create categories and coded them as events, experiences (positive and negative), emotions, the body, weather, objects and moments of significance, and perceptions of the park. With these codes I could delve deeper and create nodes and tags specific to words describing the participant’s emotions, based on the data from the surveys. By generating these different groupings, I could compare the emotions and the effects of these emotions associated with these experiences.


See Emotion mapping, Data collection:


See Transient Journey: