Cabinet of Curiosities
Found objects from the walks in the Edinburgh Gardens, in Firzroy North, Melbourne, Australia
The collection of found artefacts also began to grow. Some days I would find objects of nature, but after a weekend I would find more personal objects that had been discarded, lost, or forgotten. I would photograph these objects in location using geotagging on the phone so I could record and retrieve the exact location where I found them. I grew curious about these objects and what they could tell me about the use of the park. I took home a collection of these objects to photograph, generating my own cabinet of curiosities. These objects represented a narrative of the park, showing the changing seasons, the uses and functions of the park, and the memories of individual moments. Narratives real or imagined started to emerge from the collections, as did an equal number of questions like what happened to the person who lost their shoe, or what joyful event heralded the release of party poppers?