Perception of place
An interdisciplinary approach to mapping through
scientific cartography, design and artistic expression.
Perspective looks at the pivotal connection between experience of place and perception of place. This chapter provides a description of a framework for the mapping process that was fundamental in the making of the mapping prototypes.
In this project the effects of time on one’s perception of place were examined. The local neighbourhood park was mapped over the course of one year.
In this project I examine the role emotions play in shaping experiences and perceptions of place. I investigated how emotions can be collected, organised, categorised and documented through mapping prototypes of Emotion Maps.
Sense of Place
This project explores how the inherently subjective and personal experiences of a sense of place, can be effectively captured and represented through maps and the mapping process.
ACMI / Melbourne Design Week / RMIT First Site Gallery
Scale is a comparative study of the difference in scale between the neighbourhood, the neighbourhood park and the home. Reflection was used as a key method, as it examined the shift in perception of place while moving across different scales.